Training our farmers’ members:
Logistics Organization:
Sale on credit for our members:
Marketing and continuous sale of good quality fingerlings and tilapia;
Currently, hundreds of operational ponds for fish grow-out and gradual increase of the ponds number along the year;
Training our farmers’ members: Fish farming techniques, Literacy training for illiterate members, Simplified management so that farmers can efficiently manage their activities; Technical assistance for our members: monitoring, control and advice during the production cycle; Logistics Organization: Transport and delivery of fingerlings to members; Transport and delivery of fish feed and farming related inputs; Transport, […]
Training our farmers’ members: Fish farming techniques, Literacy training for illiterate members, Simplified management so that farmers can efficiently manage their activities; Technical assistance for our members: monitoring, control and advice during the production cycle; Logistics Organization: Transport and delivery of fingerlings to members; Transport and delivery of fish feed and farming related inputs; Transport, […]